7 First Alert Forecast 5 p.m. Update, Wednesday, September 8
7 First Alert Forecast 5 p.m. Update, Wednesday, September 8
Yeah, well despite the facgoing to have more cloudsthan we had around here yeour temperatures will be aSo we're looking at thosesay three or so degrees abtime of the year low perhaAnd a few spots.
It will bwith that southwesterly wirange of 10-20 mph.
But aglittle gusty from time tothat forecast dry.
So as wrest of today, again, notecover, that sort of pushesarea and again, there's soshowers trying to show upof flint and that actuallylocation for those.
But evthe thumb that's an isolatnot going to be anything tWhat we'll see here is jusperiod of cloud cover thathours.
Again though, tempsway into the lower seventimonday, it's a little bitlikely going to be the warright ahead of another colcomes through here early iit is going to be dry as ithen back down into the lomid seventies from time tofew degrees above average.look good for any of thoseyou have planned this weekextracurricular school actgames, some practices or jand evening walks around thigh pressure firmly in co
7 First Alert Forecast 5 p.m. Update, Wednesday, September 8