Warm temps in control
Wednesday Evening Forecast Sept 29, 2021
SLASH M-D-H-H-S.’wx open sot enopHigh pressure will result indry, sunny and comfortableweather conditions across stWeMichigan for the remainder ofthe work week.
Expect dailyhighs in the low to mid 70s withabundant sunshine and overnitghlows in the 40s and 50s.
Windswill remain light and humiditylevels will stay low.
Lookginahead to the weekend, the ridgewill begin to break down andallow for increasing clouds andperhaps some wet weath.
ErItdoesn’t seem as though eitherweekend day will be a totalwashout - but you’ll wantotlocate your umbrla.elTONIGHT: Clear and comfortlyabcool with some patchy fog.
Lowsin the upper 40s to lower 50s.Calm wd.inTHURSDAY: Sunny, warm,nd apleasant.
Highs in the mid/upper70s.
Winds southeast at 5 to 10mph.FRIDAY: Mostly sunny.
Highinsthe mid/upper 70s.SATURDAY: Incrsieang clouds thwia chance of P.M./night showers.Highs in the mid 70s.SUNDAY: Mostly cloudy.
Highs near 707 DAY FORE