How to Keep Yourself Safe if You Encounter a Wild Bear
How to Keep Yourself Safe if You Encounter a Wild Bear

How to Keep Yourself Safe , if You Encounter a Wild Bear.

As winter season approaches, bears across the United States are entering into a phase known as hyperphagia.


Hyperphagia is a natural science that refers to the excessive eating done by bears as they prepare for hibernation.

As national parks set attendance records in 2021, the potential for an encounter with a bear is greatly increased.

Here's how to stay safe if you encounter a hungry bear in the wild:.

1:, Most importantly, keep your distance.

Experts suggest to stay at least 300 feet from any bear in the wild.


2:, Don’t approach the bear, and give the animal plenty of room to move away from you.

3:, Talk calmly in low tones, which helps the bear to identify the presence of a human.

4:, Move with a group, and stay on delegated paths.

5:, If a child or dog is present, pick them up.

6:, Avoid eye contact with the bear, and move away slowly.

7:, It is important to remember to stand your ground, and avoid the urge to run away.


With either grizzlies or black bears, please don't run.

Bears can outrun anybody... Don't climb a tree either.

They can also climb trees better than you, Beth Pratt- Executive Director National Wildlife Federation