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Your Health Matters: October is Dental Hygiene Month
October is National Dental Hygiene Month, an annual reminder to practice the daily habits that promote healthy teeth and gums.
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Chew on october is nationaand the great time to thkbeautiful smile can have oher a list celebrities andus.
It's good to see you,beautiful smiles.
So thenlike the celebrities dr Aua celebrity ilsme.
It is eHey the secret to having ais simply having clean heawork out these smiles likerest of our bodies.
That'sbecause you know when you'it's important to maintainas adults to.
Absolutely.positive impact on your lifeel good about your smilemy gosh you feel just so chappy.
And so I'm here todtips and the workout plancan get consistent and maknational dental hygiene moready We're ready for ourwalk us through.
All rightyour tongue and be consistthese down.
Step one in thyou want to brush twice aor an electric toothbrush.bacteria that hides belowsides of the teeth and getthat's below the gums. Stedon't know if you know thiyour, only reaching 25% ofnot good enough.
So by usiyou're going to virtuallymouth.
You're gonna use it30 seconds for 24 hour geryou're gonna kill 99.9% ofcan lead to bad breath, plginger Vitis.
Step forwardyour tongue.
Listen, the tof hidden bacteria in theI recommend is you take ayour tongue out and cleanlike a white or brown filmoff the tongue is disgustibeing consistent.
Listen ttotal body workout when yoevery day, you're gonna fito a healthier smile.
Oh tvery quickly.
Why is it imwant to kill the germs becyou to get gum disease asin the gums tenderness.
Yoloose and you actually migdon't want that to happenuse your effective productKuhlmann antiseptic mouthwhealth benefits.
You're gosmile.
Get rid of the germbad breath plaque build upand follow that workout plyou so much.
Great tips.
October is National Dental Hygiene Month, an annual reminder to practice the daily habits that promote healthy teeth and gums.