Livestock producers and industry leaders focused on transparency, processing capacity, price discovery and oversight with the cattle markets and beef processing.
Livestock producers and industry leaders focused on transparency, processing capacity, price discovery and oversight with the cattle markets and beef processing.
The cattle market was in ta recent house agriculturein Washington, in which biprocessing capacity, pricewere all addressed.
Rancheof South Dakota is vice prCattlemen's beef Associatimembers that cattle producAnd even in a good year, tmaking a profit and a lossoutside of livestock produproduction is inherently ca profit and a loss dependof the ranchers and farmerbut good as producers strularge meatpackers rake inprofits that have not beenwith cattle producers.
Thesituation brought on by coplant fires, countless oththe most seasoned industryasking for changes.
SomethSecretary Tom Vilsack testworking to increase procesAnd in the area of negotiaSenator Chuck Grassley a Itestified about the bill hJon Tester are sponsoring.50% negotiated cash tradepackers to have their cattof slaughter.
WD 50 14 Bil
Montana Ag Network: producers outline cattle industry challenges to Congressional committee
Congressional Hearing Focuses on Cattle Markets By: Lane Nordlund The nation’s cattle markets were in the spotlight during a..