Mental health experts on monitoring social media use
Mental Health experts share tips following Facebook Whistleblower testimony
Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen says the company's social sites harm children and mental health experts agree.
Mental health experts on monitoring social media use
NOT KNOW WHAT HERNEXT STEPS WILL BE.THERE'S EXTRA SECURITYAT SMITH-HALE MIDDLESCHOOL -- AS OFFICERSINVESTIGATE A THREATMADE ON SOCIAL MEDIA.THE HICKMAN LLMISCHOOL DISTRICT SAYSTHE THREAT WAS MADEMONDAY NIGHT ONSNAPCHAT.IT'S ONE OF MULTIPLETHREATS MADE TOSCHOOLS THIS MONTH.THE INCIDENTS RAISINGCONCERNS....AS STUDENTS ALREYWORK THROUGH ASECOND YEAR OF CLASSIN THE PANDEMIC.WE'VE SE YOUR ENCOMMENTS ANDCONCERNS ON OURFACEBOOK...SO WE WANTED TO TAKETHOSE CONCERNS TOLOCAL EXPERTS.KSHB 41 NEWS REPORTERLESLIE DELASBOUR SATDOWN WITH A CYBEREXPERTND A A MENTALHEALTH CLINICIAN ON HOWYOU CAN CHECINN KYOUR LOVED ONES.Crisis line this is AlexSOMEONE IS ALWAYSTHERE TO TAKE YOURCALL ..At the mental alheth centeryou don't have to know whatswrong with your kid or thinkthat they're is something reallywrg onif you are concernedyou can call in and we arehere to problem solveSOMEONE LIKE ALEXSYMES A CLINCIAN ATHTJOHNSON COUNTY MENTALHEALTH CRISIS HOT LINEWHO SAYS IF YOU NOTICESTRANGE BEHAORVI IN ACHILD OR LOVED ONEAY SSOMETHINGPeople tend to act differentfobere they do things thatsurprises uSleeping and eating is thatdifferent are people isolatingmore than usual, or kind ofseeming to struggle with goingabout their daily life andmaybe seeming frustratednd athing like thatESPECIALLY PARENTSWITH KIDS WHO AREACTIVE ON SOCIALMEA DIThey've been more upsetrecently they're more on edgemaybe they're acting moreaggressively or saying thingsthey woun'ldt normally to youor online or to their friendsandyou're really concerned abtthem we can help you withwhat to look for and help tofind some supports to find outwhat is going on why are theyacting this wayBRIDGE : BECAUSETECHNOLOGY EXPERTBURTON KELSO SAYSWHAT SOME KIDS AREVIINEWG ON SOCIAL MEDIABEHIND CLOSED DOORSAND PASSWORDS CANLEAD TO BAD DECISIONKIMAParents have to take a deeperlook at their kids social mediaplatforms to make sure thatthey are saying theappropriate things onle inwhether it be with students orwhether it is directed towardsschoolsKELSO SAYS STARTINGWITH TAKING A LOOK ATYOUR CHILDS DIRECTMESSAGES BUT ALSOSITTING DOWN ANDLETTING THEM KNOW THEYCAN TRUST YOUDevices are designed to beaddictive and keep ks idplugged in all the time so thatin itself can cause kids tohave anti social bavior ehbecause they are used todealing with the online worldas opposed to the real worldand I think its importantht atparents take bigger measuresto make sure that their kidsare using devices responsiblyFOR MORE INFORMAONAND TIPS ON HOW TO TALKWITH YOUR KIDS AUTBOTHEIR SOCIAL MEDIA....AS WELL AS NUMBERSFOR THE JOHNSONCOUNTY MENTAL HEALTHCRISIS LINE HEAD TO
Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen says the company's social sites harm children and mental health experts agree.