As we head into next week, all eyes are on a big storm system that will be bringing possible heavy rains to California.
As we head into next week, all eyes are on a big storm system that will be bringing possible heavy rains to California.
Big changes in the forecasthe week after a very nicemeteorologist Ashley DeMarthe start of the day tomorstart off nice and cool tewarm very quickly, we getmark by mid afternoon anddown as we head into our obig changes really begin tus on Tuesday.
What we'reour way southwest winds inbetween about 10 to 15 MPHwhere we'll see those windas 50 MPH temperatures dowe will be on our monday aTuesday and we kind of staDo have that chance for soin the valley, monday nighand up in northern Arizonaof snow, but it's going towith those snow levels aboas low as it's gonna get.cold front and storm systeand into Tuesday it does sbut we don't get as much rand Nevada are getting witvery fast moving, it movesBy the time we head into othe desert southwest for tweek.
We were talking abouare going to see some cloufor the start of the day,those bands of showers movgets clipped by them and bhead into the noon hour onis pretty much gone and weskies and bring in the sunwind advisory for northerngonna be 10 a.m.
Monday tobecause of those strong witemperatures overnight infifties to low sixties Arogonna see 64 for Bullhead52 for Globe 49 for shallohighs tomorrow in the vallgonna pop into those ninetof us will be in the upperthe state 84 for Bullhead70 forecasts.
We go from tto the mid seventies on ou
A storm system is making its way through Arizona this week with slight chances of spotty showers for the Valley Monday night into..