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Monday, 27 January 2025

Structural engineer investigating Surfside collapse reveals frustration over slow access to site

Credit: WSFL - Scripps
Duration: 03:14s 0 shares 2 views

Structural engineer investigating Surfside collapse reveals frustration over slow access to site
Structural engineer investigating Surfside collapse reveals frustration over slow access to site

More than four months after the Surfside condominium collapse, Investigative Reporter Katie LaGrone speaks to one of the leading engineers investigating its cause and discovers why the case is still leaving experts baffled.

Welcome back everyone.

I'mthe Florida 24 network morafter an oceanfront condomthe ground and surfside, kand stunning.

Even the mosI speak to one of those enthe cause of this historicinvestigation stands and wof what used to be the chaalong a pretty stretch ofremains an empty flattenedand mysteries.

Are we anyout what caused the champlcrumble?

No, I have eightno, there's no really anytstructural engineer Allynof the team of national exdetermine what caused theThat resulted in the heart98 men, women and Childrenthat started this thing frknown the 40 year old builof design flaws and structmajor structural damage foand under the pool deck toconcrete.

Just to name a fissues were enough to brinthere could have been manyit to start collapsing.

Buthat at this point in timeany structural failure isBut for this world renowneprobes include the pentagotragedy and surfside is prof challenges.

This is theI've been involved in in abecause four months laterwas hired by the town to ihasn't received access toand debris needed for answcritical for us to see andBut simply there's a lot olawyers, courts and then tthe investigation more frube an understatement.

Abouaccess to what's left of tdebris off site this monththree weeks testing on andjust fall, taking nearly efacts.

I don't know anymornow kill Schwimmer still ehis findings before the yethis collapse.

Meantime, oInstitute of Standards andbut makes it clear no conc

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