Salt in My Soul Documentary Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Based on the posthumously published bestselling memoir of the same name, the film takes you inside the mind of a young woman who tries to live a full life while dying.
Mallory Smith was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at the age of three.
In her twenty five-year battle with the deadly disease, she carved out a life that most of us don’t come close to.
Using Mallory’s posthumously published 2500-page secret diaries, hundreds of hours of newly discovered footage, and audio recordings, the film offers Mallory as the narrator of her own extraordinary chronicle.
Powerful documentary SALT IN MY SOUL will be released theatrically in New York (Cinema Village) and Los Angeles (Laemmle Royal) on January 21 followed by the VOD Release in the US, Canada, and UK & Ireland and key territories worldwide on January 25.