The Whaler Boy Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: A teenager in an isolated Bering Strait village sets off on a journey to America in search of a webcam girl.
15-year-old Leshka lives in an isolated village on the Bering Strait.
Like most men where he lives, he is a whale hunter.
When internet arrives in the village, Leshka becomes infatuated with a webcam model from America - so far away and yet almost close enough to see across the waters of the Strait.
Coming of age in the male-dominated whaling community, Leshka's encounter with this mysterious woman awakens in him a desire to find love outside of the confines of his tiny world.
He becomes determined to meet her in real life, setting forth on a dangerous adventure across the raging waters of the sea.
Featuring stunning photography of the dramatic landscape, and punctuated by off-kilter humor, "there’s an almost fable-like simplicity to this atmospheric coming of age story" (Screen Daily) about the division between two worlds.
Release date: digitally and theatrically 1/14/22 - FILM MOVEMENT