ODD COUPLE Movie (1979) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Widely considered the greatest classical weapons movie ever made, Odd Couple stars Sammo Hung, Lau Kar-wing (also directing) and Bryan “Beardy” Leung Kar-yan (Dreadnaught, The Victim) in a classic tale of rivalry and vengeance.
Two ageing masters of the spear and sword engage in an epic mountaintop battle every ten years, but the outcome invariably ends in a draw.
Realising that neither one of them will ever outclass the other, they each agree to take on a younger student and train them to champion their cause, thus putting an end to their longstanding rivalry.
Showcasing some of the most intricate and explosive weapons choreography ever seen, this masterpiece remains a quintessential classic from the Golden Age of Hong Kong Cinema, and now makes its UK debut on Blu-ray from a brand new 2K restoration!