LIVE PREMIER! Dr. Ardis: It's Another Drug- JUST SAY NO
LIVE PREMIER! Dr. Ardis: It's Another Drug- JUST SAY NO

Catching up with Dr. Ardis!

We had an incredible conversation with him yesterday where we talked about what he's been up to since we met up at Bardsfest, how he and his message have skyrocketed, his speaking to grassroots patriots all across this country along with legislators and giving them the truth that has been hidden from them.

He told several amazing stories that will make you laugh and be excited about where our movement is headed.

He's also fighting for your rights.

When it comes to taking the vaccine, Dr. Ardis tells it like it is, as Nancy Reagan coined in the 90's he says: "[The vaccine] is just another DRUG- JUST SAY NO!" Read More: