Like in Noah day they got on the ark and God shut the door and the chaff could not enter at all!
Same now God has shut the door to the age of grace and those not ready for Jesus will get left behind to go thru the 7 year tribulation!!, Time is now up and to late to get ready now if you are not ready then you will get left behind and Jesus will not come back and get you at all!!
Those left behind have to find God in a very hostile antichrist world that will hate God and everyone who follows God!, The antichrist will destroy all the churches, bibles and have one world religion and government and will know everything about people and what they do!, You have to decide between Jesus or the antichrist and the middle ground is over!
Rich people will loose all their money and wealthy after the rapture happens and will be poor and homeless, those who got the vaccines will get the mircochip and the antichrist will own them and God will pour His hot anger on everyone who worships the antichrist and got his image!
They will get painful boils, the sun will sorch them and demons will torment them!
The tribulation period is God wrath and judgements for everyone left behind and you were warned Jesus was coming and it is to late to get ready now the door has been shut and will stay shut and God will not open the door up at all!!