Residents in Ecuador's Amazon Outraged After Oil Spill in Environmental Reserve
Residents in Ecuador's Amazon Outraged After Oil Spill in Environmental Reserve

Residents in Ecuador's Amazon , Outraged After Oil Spill , in Environmental Reserve.

On January 28, heavy rains in Ecuador's east caused a boulder to fall on a pipeline resulting in a massive oil spill.

On January 28, heavy rains in Ecuador's east caused a boulder to fall on a pipeline resulting in a massive oil spill.

Al Jazeera reports that 6,300 barrels of oil leaked into the Cayambe Coca nature reserve and the Coca River.


The Coca River is one of the largest rivers in the Ecuadorian Amazon and a vital source for many nearby communities.


Al Jazeera reports that residents of Puerto Madero have expressed outrage at the spill, which has left oil all along the banks of the river.


Al Jazeera reports that residents of Puerto Madero have expressed outrage at the spill, which has left oil all along the banks of the river.


Bolivia Buenano, a merchant from the area about 75 miles from the spill said, , “This damage is not for a month, two months… it will be 20 years before things return to normal.".

Buenano reportedly joined a clean-up crew organized by OCP, the oil transport company responsible for the leak.


Al Jazeera reports that OCP has said that over 84% of the spilled crude has already been recovered.


In 2020, another major spill occurred after a mudslide damaged pipelines, dumping approximately 15,000 barrels of oil into Amazon basin rivers.


In 2020, another major spill occurred after a mudslide damaged pipelines, dumping approximately 15,000 barrels of oil into Amazon basin rivers.


Al Jazeera reports that crude petroleum is the biggest export product of Ecuador.


In 2021, Ecuador extracted, 494,000 barrels per day, from January to November.

Ecuador's environmental ministry said that the recent spill affected the 996,000-acre Cayambe Coca Reserve, which is home to a large number of animals and plants.


Ecuador's environmental ministry said that the recent spill affected the 996,000-acre Cayambe Coca Reserve, which is home to a large number of animals and plants.