Major Border Crossing Reopens After Canadian Truckers Protest Shut It Down
Major Border Crossing Reopens After Canadian Truckers Protest Shut It Down

Major Border Crossing , Reopens After Canadian , Truckers Protest Shut It Down.

On February 8, Canada's busiest border crossing reopened after traffic ground to a halt for nearly a day as a result of protesting truckers.


On February 8, Canada's busiest border crossing reopened after traffic ground to a halt for nearly a day as a result of protesting truckers.


The BBC reports that truckers protesting Canada's COVID-19 vaccine mandate blocked the Ambassador Bridge on the evening of February 7.


The BBC reports that truckers protesting Canada's COVID-19 vaccine mandate blocked the Ambassador Bridge on the evening of February 7.


The bridge across the Detroit River is an important crossing between the United States and Canada.


According to the BBC, more than 40,000 people and over $323 million worth of goods cross the bridge every day.


Travelers were directed to take long detours, as hundreds of vehicles were backed up for miles.


On February 7, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused protestors of trying to "blockade" the economy.


On February 7, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused protestors of trying to "blockade" the economy.


According to the BBC, demonstrations have been centered on the Canadian capital of Ottawa, where a state of emergency has been declared.


According to the BBC, demonstrations have been centered on the Canadian capital of Ottawa, where a state of emergency has been declared.


Many local businesses have reportedly had to close after the city was essentially brought to a standstill.


Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, who declared the state of emergency on February 6, said the protests were , "out of control.".

The BBC reports that the so-called Freedom Convoy began on January 9.


Demonstrations have now reportedly spread to other Canadian cities, including Toronto and Vancouver.


Internationally, the protests against COVID-19 restrictions and mandatory vaccination have seen rallies of support in New Zealand's capital Wellington and Canberra in Australia.

Internationally, the protests against COVID-19 restrictions and mandatory vaccination have seen rallies of support in New Zealand's capital Wellington and Canberra in Australia