Tucker Carlson Tonight 9 Feb 2022
Tucker Carlson Tonight 9 Feb 2022

The tide has most definitely turned, so too must the regime messaging.

Everything they have done has turned to sh*t, so it must be time to change the message, memory hole the old message, declare victory and move forward like nothing ever happened.

We won't forget.

Not today, not tomorrow and next week doesn't look too good either.

We have the tapes and they will live on in infamy.

Tucker discusses the miraculous "science has changed" trope being trotted out across the marxist MSM mouthpieces.

This will be interesting as so many of the leftists have been mentally damaged (more than usual) by their fear.

Now that polling and political annilation in the midterms has forced a policy reversal, the mental leftists are going to be amusing to watch as they emerge from their houses and mingle with the unwashed masses.

VDH joins Tucker to discuss.