Maltese puppies adorably square off in tug-of-war match
Maltese puppies adorably square off in tug-of-war match

/ Dogs & Puppies — Check out these three adorable puppers showing off in a cute game of tug of war!

It will definitely make your day!/ Funny & Cute Animals — Meet Doug!

He is a cute and kind of feisty fellow who is not afraid to throw some hands if you mess with him!

Jokes aside, he is so adorable!/ Funny & Cute Animals — Rocky made friends with a deer today!

They were legitimately playing and having a blast together!

They are so cuteDogs & Puppies — This adorable French Bulldog still learns to walk in his cute little booties, especially in the snow!

Check out how funny this clip isCats & Kittens — Check out this incredible-looking cat playfully attacking the camera!

This is the most unique cat we have ever seen