NIGHT SHADOWS 02182022 -- The Arrival, Ukraine, NATO, Putin, Israel, Syria, Iran, Sightings, Canada
NIGHT SHADOWS 02182022 -- The Arrival, Ukraine, NATO, Putin, Israel, Syria, Iran, Sightings, Canada

Fighting in Ukraine continues, reports say it is getting more intense, Russia gives warning to NATO and the WEST, the global deep state needs their world war, and Canada becomes warning for USA truckers.

UFO activity at high levels as the STRONG DELUSION goes into high gear.

Solar activity at dangerous levels, earth changes continue unabated.

Arrival of the fallen ones draws near, perhaps WAR and then ARRIVAL and then PEACE AND SECURITY?

No one knows the sequence but the END OF DAYS and DANIEL'S 70TH WEEK draw nigh and more reports of high strangeness on the paranormal front.

The USA/Babylon invasion of military "aliens" continues as God fills us with enemies and more...