Never before in the history of the human race has evil--naked, materialistic, power-hungry, activated evil--ever mounted its horse and started to ride across the world and do it so successfully as it has during this COVID-19 PSYOP and Globalist takeover operation it has provided cover for.
This is Armageddon, folks.
And anybody in this country who still has a shred of belief in God and the principals of individual human liberty upon which this nation was founded must resist their herd all of humanity into the global feedlot they call the Great Reset.
We must wage an all out political war on this thing.
We must recognize that the defeat of the New World Order, and prosecute the criminals involved with that diabolical 100 year-old plan to rob America of it's sovereignty, prosperity, and heritage.
This should be the first order of business of anybody who wants to salvage what little remains of our American Way of Life.