God hates abuse and He curses the abusers because they are very wicked people and abuse a wife or child or pastor spiritually abuses his members and God sees it and angers Him so very much!!
Jesus said suffer not the little children and woe unto anyone who hurts anyone of these little ones for it would be better if they tie a milestone around their neck and drown in the sea!!
Those who are abused know that Jesus sees what is happening and hates it and He will make the abusers pay!!
A dog will return his vomit same with abusers!!
They will suffer God wrath and He is ripping off the veil now and exposing people and the abusers friends will say you abuse get away from us!!
Jesus called outcasts and accepts outcasts and cries when He sees the abused being hurt and cut down by the abusers, churches you accept the abusers and do nothing to help the abused!!
Where were you when I needed help you were no where!!
Going to the police will not help at all!
Judging the abused makes us feel worse!!
We are broken enough and last thing we need is to be judged by churches for suffering abuse!!
A wife is told go back to your husband!
Children are told obey your parents and they are good people but in the house the kids suffer abuse and the abusers love it!!
God doesn't forever everyone and He will not!!
Abusers do not want to repent because they love abusing and are so proud that they blame the victim all the time!
So the abused cuts the cursed family off and has zero to do with them because they will not stop abusing and better for them to rot away, God will destroy all the wicked and He hates abuse