Tully Rinckey PLLC / Supreme Court / DCBAR / Mike Collin Fallings Request of a copy of the Legal Contract, a copy of the settlement charts and receipts in amount of $30,555.90 and written explanation why Over Billing Over Charged from October 2018 to November 2018 I was charged $30,555.90 and why no appearance of Cheri L.
Cannon and the Arbitrator Raymond Fay and why Mike Collin Fallings name and Stephanie Rapp Tully names not listed in the Legal Contract when I paid their services also explain why no assistance from the Client Satisfaction Manager Steven L.
Herrick why your Law Firm refused to provide me all requested documents, Matthew B.
Tully, Greg T.
Rinckey, Michael W.
Macomber, US Supreme Court US veteran Spouse Grandmother Lives Matter, Law abiding citizen why I am revictimized explain DCBAR, EEOC, DLLR