#1 Collaborative Spotlight: Joanna Plaza & Lee Peters ~ The Call To Adventure, Freedom, & Workaways
#1 Collaborative Spotlight: Joanna Plaza & Lee Peters ~ The Call To Adventure, Freedom, & Workaways

In Collaborative Spotlight ~ Episode #1, Whole Soul Mastery collaborates with Whole Soul School and Foundation to spotlight Joanna Plaza and Lee Peters ~ and their incredible adventures.

In this podcast, Joanna and Lee share their continued experiences as they live The Call to Adventure and the Hero's Journey in their own ways .



A calling that led them from their "ordinary lives" in the UK and into deeper exploration, personal growth, and experiential learning in Costa Rica and Mexico.

They share their stories, their joys, their challenges, and the gift of workaways (or what they call "learnaways") with listeners seeking inspiration in these times of great change ~ and possibly seeking to live an inspired life themselve!!

Maybe their stories will inspire you to take the leap and embrace your own pathway to new adventures!

Please join us and share this podcast with friends and family on your social media networks, so we can reach more people with these positive messages!