The Jesse Rucinski Show Episode 174 - My Thoughts on Ukraine
The Jesse Rucinski Show Episode 174 - My Thoughts on Ukraine

Today, I have a lot to try to unload on the situation currently happening in Ukraine.

There has been a lot of stuff happening and a lot of propaganda and misinformation going around across the board but that is to be expected.

I will give my feelings on the leadership or lack thereof when it comes to many people to include President Biden.

I will talk about my feelings on the no-fly zone that is being requested and other things that Ukraine has been asking for.

I will unload on the situation when it comes to the oil that people are finally starting to take action on and some of the idiocy on what the administration is trying to do when it comes to that.

There is a lot of information and I hope I didn't miss anything in there but there is a lot that has happened and continues to happen.

So, make sure to check this one out because it is a very important thing that needs to be discussed.