Fossil Find Suggests Octopuses Were Around Before the Dinosaurs
Fossil Find Suggests Octopuses Were Around Before the Dinosaurs

Fossil Find Suggests , Octopuses Were Around , Before the Dinosaurs.

Scientists in Montana have discovered a 330 million-year-old fossil of the oldest-known ancestor of octopuses.


'The Guardian' reports that researchers believe the creature lived millions of years earlier than previously believed.


The discovery would mean that octopuses were around before dinosaurs.


The fossil measures 4.7 inches and has ten limbs, as opposed to modern octopuses, which now have eight limbs.


Researchers believe the creature likely lived in a shallow, tropical ocean bay.


It’s very rare to find soft tissue fossils, except in a few places.

This is a very exciting finding.

It pushes back the ancestry much farther than previously known, Mike Vecchione, a Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History zoologist, via 'The Guardian'.

It’s very rare to find soft tissue fossils, except in a few places.

This is a very exciting finding.

It pushes back the ancestry much farther than previously known, Mike Vecchione, a Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History zoologist, via 'The Guardian'.

According to 'The Guardian,' the fossil was discovered in Montana's Bear Gulch limestone formation.


It was donated to the Royal Ontario Museum in 1988.


There, it remained overlooked for decades until paleontologists took note of the specimen's unique ten limbs encased in limestone.


The creature is classified as a vampyropod, which are the ancestors of both modern octopuses and vampire squid.


Researchers note that the next oldest definitive vampyropod was dated to around 240 million years ago.