No population has been as manipulated as the American population in 2021. Ukraine and Russia
No population has been as manipulated as the American population in 2021. Ukraine and Russia

Is it a coincidence that as soon as the emergency powers from the COVID pandemic has waned, our government has declared yet another emergency escalation with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The integrity of the system should be the most important thing, but that is wrong.

We are going into uncharted territories right now, how long until your own government can declare you a domestic terrorism and seize your assets?

The tech monopolies now exert a level of control that has no precedence in history, the medieval church had less command over society’s emotions than the big tech overlords.

Watch as our citizens are brainwashed and always dutifully change their social media avatars to fit the flavor of the week, whether its awareness for black lives matter, mask up slogans, or now support for Ukraine in the current Russian invasion.

If you go to the store you can see how bad inflation is right now.

So what is causing inflation and what is the root of it all.

Joe Biden is telling us that government spending is not effecting inflation.

Inflation is a function of money supply, the supply of US dollars in circulation has increased more in the first month of Joe Biden’s month than any other Presidential administration.

The reality is that the federal reserve has been printing money incessantly for the last 14 years and now they are running out of tricks to keep up the current economic system.

Janet Yellen is saying that inflation is not happening but that simply isn’t true, just drive down to the grocery store and fill up your gas tank at the gas station.

Jen Psaki is saying that Vladimir Putin is responsible for the rise of inflation.