No One Thinks Its Funny
No One Thinks Its Funny

We have a president and administration that is sabotaging our economy, our allies, and the interests of the the country.

They provide cover for our enemies as if Putin and his ilk are writing the script.

They are just so ahead of all this WWIII stuff and are too cool to let it get to them, and if your looking for a new fashion statement to come out this spring watch all the loser politicians start dressing like Zelensky.

I'm serious, they are actually trying to copy the look of a guy in a war zone as he is on deaths door step so they can score points in their "optics" with the press.

Sick stuff.

All the while Kamala just thinks this is soooo funny, laughing her way through a press conference with Poland's president who is trying to do what he can to hold Europe together in Biden's absence...