輝瑞CEO: 芯片將會放在藥丸中,芯片發出信號,表明你已服藥並透過芯片收藥費!Pfizer CEO Bourla : &
輝瑞CEO: 芯片將會放在藥丸中,芯片發出信號,表明你已服藥並透過芯片收藥費!Pfizer CEO Bourla : &

輝瑞 (復必泰)行政總裁說: 晶片藥丸 晶片藥丸-電子訊號釋放藥物!


芯片藥物生物儀器, 接駁雲端收費!Pfizer CEO Bourla : "Biological MicroChip is in the tablet!" Tablet Application can charge payment simultaneously!

“FDA approved the first electronic pill⋯It’s basically a biological MicroChip that is in the tablet and once you take the tablet it sends a signal that you took the tablet.” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, thinks that the edible biological chip that has been FDA approved to ensure compliance is fascinating, and needs to be invested in.