NIGHT SHADOWS 03162022 -- Wag The Dog, Lies & Deceptions.  Purim, Israel, Iran, Russia
NIGHT SHADOWS 03162022 -- Wag The Dog, Lies & Deceptions. Purim, Israel, Iran, Russia

Much of what we see on major media and now the social media like Facebook, Twitter and others are just total lies, videos that are not true whatsoever, and we are rapidly moving into a time when one cannot know for sure what is happening - and there is no true way of vetting the information - for it is all run by Global Deep State and their AI systems. How easy it is to manipulate the masses and get them to believe anything you want them to believe and we found that out with Charlie-Victor and the resultant "jab drug" to change humanity into hybrids without them even realizing what was done to them and more, Happy Purim to all!