FoxBaltimore / Smith Downey PA / Douglas W.
Desmarais / Regency Furniture LLC / Maryland / Virginia / Washington DC / Manila Bulletin / Regency Stadium / Abdul Ayyad / Ahmad Ayyad / Arbitrator Raymond Fay / Kerstin Miller / Tully Rinckey PLLC / Cheri L.
Cannon / Mike Collin Fallings / Stephanie Rapp Tully / Steven L.
Herrick / Matthew B.
Tully / Greg T.
Rinckey / Michael W.
Macomber Request of the Setllement Summary Charts / Request of Receipts in amount of $30,555.90 Advance Payment / Request of Legal Contract with Signature of Cheri L.
Cannon, Mike Colling Fallings / Stephanie Rapp Tully / Reason why Douglas W.
Desmarais and Kerstin Miller falsified documents and submitted to Attorney Grievance BAR Counsel and Office Disciplinary BAR Counsel / and what happened to settlement why settlement never paid