A few of the best old series episodes & cartoons with bowling on them: The Honeymooners, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, The Simpson's (candle pin bowling), The Andy Griffith show, Gilligan's Island, Lost In Space & Lost In Space of the Woman's Lib movement passed in 1920 & why its ridiculous & STUPID!
Just FACTS & only the FACTS!
The real fact of America are women ruin & ruined America NOT just the democrats.
Look at pelosi she acts like a small child, look at billary, look at racist Maxine Water & what all of these child like so called adults get away with = Ruin our America!
Look at what women cops get away with like that women cop in the force for 26 years can't even tell her gun from her taser & pulls her weapon when it wasn't even necessary & kills a 20 year old black guy over an expired tabs traffic stop then doesn't get LIFE but only 7 years for murder at point blank to his heart with her gun on a traffic stop COME ON PEOPLE!!!
Talk about ridiculous!!!
You got to be joking me!
Women do NOT belong in any type of law enforcement or any position of our American government period!
On some things America was RIGHT in the beginning & the Tailband/the Bible is RIGHT sometimes!!