What Catholics Believe 3/29/2022
What Catholics Believe 3/29/2022

In this video, Father Jenkins and Thomas Naegele address many viewer questions such as the following: How God could have created insects and reptiles, which seem repulsive; are insects and reptiles demonic?; is liking insects or reptiles indicative of bad character?; the nonmaterial nature of devils and demons; how all creatures reflect God’s perfections; how the Fall affected our relationship with other creatures; how beauty is an aspect of being and ugliness a departure from or perversion of being; the art of Paul VI and the Novus Ordo glorifies the twisted and perverted; Do we have an obligation to visit family members who have abused us?; the obligation of charity and kindness; Is Ketanji Brown Jackson’s ignorance of what a woman is because she is not a biologist similar to traditional Catholics’ ignorance of whether Francis is the pope because they are not canon lawyers?; that Francis is not pope a theological conclusion based on Catholic tradition; dogmatic sedevacantism; What is the pope and what is the papacy?; the pope’s relationship to tradition; how do we know whether a man is really the pope?; does heresy cause a loss of the papal office?; the difference between failing to preserve the faith and officially teaching error; Sergius I, Pope Honorius I, and the heresy of monothelitism in the 7th century; Francis’ understanding of the papacy — could he even have accepted the true office of pope?; Can the Vatican II popes be false popes before God, but true popes before men?; the “Great Western Schism” — were there really schismatics and antipopes during that crisis?; could it be possible for all Catholics to be deceived?; God resolved the crisis; just as when our Blessed Lord died on the cross, all seemed loss — there is no such thing as “all being lost” for God!