Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron go head to head once again as French voters head to polls.
Macron has lost the younger electorate to Le Pen and did a last ditch campaign effort with a rap publication Booska-P.
In the interview with the rap news outlet, Macron made commitments on the topic of “Islamophobia” in France, as well as on dealing with sexist violence in the country.
It remains to be seen how many will actually turn out to vote.
Then, Germans have been flocking to Paraguay in recent months citing immigration and mandate concerns.
There are small German towns that have seen a serge in migration in the South American country.
Meanwhile, Swedish police have reported that 104 officers were injured in the riots that took place across the country last week in reaction to Danish anti-Islam activist Rasmus Paludan and his followers burning a Qur’an.
The 104 officers are said to have received varying injuries from fractures of hands and fingers to brain damage, as a result of attacks from rioters, some of whom attacked officers with rocks and stones.
“There is a large amount of injuries and reports that have been received.
This is the worst I have seen,” said Staffan Brandt, a police and work environment specialist at the Swedish Police Authority’s HR department.
All of that and MUCH MORE!