Live From America 8.15.22 @5pm THEY HAVE SEIZED TRUMP'S PASSPORTS!
Live From America 8.15.22 @5pm THEY HAVE SEIZED TRUMP'S PASSPORTS!

Adam Schiff cannot answer why it took 18 months for the FBI to raid Trump!

- Jim Jordan says 14 FBI whistleblowers have come forward - The FBI seized all of Trump's passports - FBI erects barricades their headquarters in DC - Trump sent AG Garland a private message after raid - 20 FBI operatives have been confirmed to have been embedded within the J6 crowd!

- Jim & Joe Hoft have raised over $2 million for J6 prisoners and their families - Gregg Phillips of True The Vote trespassed from property and harassed by AZ Police!

- We now know that Covid was a flu strand so why is Biden still using it?

- Starbucks says NO to union mail in ballot voting siting fraud - Visit to help support!