Creating Treebard's Assertions & Sources Dialog 102
Creating Treebard's Assertions & Sources Dialog 102

In this video: Getting rid of the default text in a combobox before the text ends up being saved in the database.

Ready for the final confrontation with the repeatedly surfacing combobox error which is not well understood.

A problem with using a class-level variable for locator values in comboboxes.

Problems with the logic being used to select locators per repository (will return to this in a later video).

More fishing around for what's wrong with the combobox (the real problems have not been spotted yet).

It is finally realized that the only thing wrong with the Combobox is that it's inappropriately giving itself a scrollbar when it only has two values to display in the dropdown.

This opens up the further realization that hacky fixes on the combobox at the instance level have created further problems. Demonstrating a known slight defect of the autofill entries.

Shooting at the Combobox in the dark.

More trial and error with Combobox dropdown height and scrollbar configuration ~36:00 to end.

Noticed the difference between when autofill replaces highlighted text and when it doesn't.

Finally it's decided that the combobox dropdown's scrollbar problem is not fixable by fooling around at the instance level; it probably existed all along and was never noticed since this is the first time I've tried to dynamically change the values of a Toykinter Combobox; so the Combobox class itself has to be somewhat refactored/repaired.