Great Salt Lake Laser Test - 21 Mi. -No Curvature - Taboo Conspiracy
Great Salt Lake Laser Test - 21 Mi. -No Curvature - Taboo Conspiracy

From the Taboo Conspiracy YouTube channel, this laser test defies the narrative that teaches curvature of the earth.

You are free to believe what you want to believe.

The "elite" ruling class have made sure that everything we have been taught is lies in order for them to more easily control us.

If we believe that the earth is a tiny spinning ball speeding through vast space, it makes people feel meaningless and unimportant.

If the people of the world knew that the sun, moon, and stars rotate above the circular plane of earth that sits immovable on its foundation below the firmament, with waters above and waters below that firmament, the people of the world would suddenly feel significant, important, and intimately loved by the Creator who made their world where everything is created for it, and for them, as it is the center of the universe, and the footstool of the Creator (Isaiah 66:1)