Secret Agent Dingledorf And His Trusty Dog Splat Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Using quirky inventions from a spy backpack, 10-year-old Bernie Dingledorf, his dog, and two best friends, are the only ones who can save the world by facing bullies, thwarting circus clowns and destroying Dr. Chuckles evil laugh generator.
GENRE: Adventure, Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi FORMAT: HD DIRECTOR: Billy Dickson (One Tree Hill, Ally McBeal) WRITER: Bill Myers PRODUCER: Taylor Cole, Billy Dickson, Derrick Warfel CAST: Zackary Arthur (Ray Donovan, The 5th Wave), Paul Johansson (Mad Men, One Tree Hill), Jason Dolley, Shiloh Nelson (Tomorrowland), Cooper J.
Friedman (Shameless, Scandal), Ryan O’Quinn (Believe, Paul’s Promise)