Broadway Rising Documentary Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Directed by Emmy-nominated director Amy Rice (HBO’s By the People: The Election of Barack Obama, The Newsroom), the feature-length documentary chronicles the Broadway community’s harrowing and inspiring journey back to the stage following the COVID-19 shutdown on March 12, 2020.
Over 96,000 people lost their jobs when The Great White Way went dark decimating an entire ecosystem of businesses supporting the industry.
From actors to artisans, directors to doormen, producers to prop masters, not one aspect of the business was left untouched.
But the show must go on!
The film turns the spotlight on the community and highlights their stories of anxiety, doubt, perseverance and ultimately triumph on the long-awaited opening night, September 14, 2021.The film is produced by Tony Award®-winners Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Take Me Home, Modern Family) and Justin Mikita (Oklahoma!) under their A KID NAMED BECKETT Productions, Sam Bisbee of Park Pictures, Christopher Cowen of STATION 10, and Amy Rice, in association with World of Ha and XTR.
DIRECTED BY: Amy Rice PRODUCED BY: Sam Bisbee, Justin Mikita, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Christopher G.
Cowen, Amy Rice EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Hallee Adelman, Ivy Herman, Jackie Kelman Bisbee, Lance Acord, Cody Ryder, Wendy Neu, Justin Lacob, Bryn Mooser, Andy Hsieh, Franklin Carson CO-PRODUCER: Danielle Massie SUBJECTS: Jewelle Blackman, Ruben Santiago-Hudson, Ginna Claire Mason, Adam Perry, Robbie Fairchild, Lynn Nottage, Brian Blythe, John Kristiansen, T.
Oliver Reid, Tom Kirdahy, Kevin McCollum EDITOR: Christoph Baaden DIRECTORS OF PHOTOGRAPH: Amy Rice, Nelson Hume, Ronan Killeen COMPOSER: Carson Aune RUN TIME: 93 minutes GENRE: Feature Documentary In Theaters December 5, 2022