Mother cat beams with pride after delivering 5 healthy kittens
Mother cat beams with pride after delivering 5 healthy kittens

This rescued cat has worked hard to deliver five healthy kittens.

She's understandably proud of herself and she purrs happily as she is praised for her efforts.

Her story is as amazing as she is.

She was an unwanted kitten herself when she got pregnant.

Five to six months old, she was far too young and small to carry a litter of kittens.

Her irresponsible owner posted her picture on Facebook, stating that she was going to the shelter unless somebody took her.

Cats like this can end up in many horrific situations when they are given away without regard.

They can end up as food for reptiles, or in dog fighting rings.

Or they can simply end up in another uncaring home where they will suffer from neglect or abuse.