WorldWide Rally 1.0 - Sydney (Highlights) 20.03.21 - Rallying in the Pouring Rain
WorldWide Rally 1.0 - Sydney (Highlights) 20.03.21 - Rallying in the Pouring Rain

The Worldwide Rally for Freedom 1.0 (WWR4F) comemorates the first time every city accross the world reached out to the other in Solidarity.

This was the proof we were looking for that confirmed what was happenning in Athens, was also happening in Sydney, New York City and in every other city around the world.

It was an incredible time when WWR4F was launched.

The Sydney arm of the Rally was held at Hyde Park at the World Famous - A Stand in the Park, Stand Tree.

Whilst we knew the beast of tyranny was much, much larger than many of us first thought it was.

We were comforted by our Brothers and Sisters accross the world.

Whilst the scamdemic is still peddling away in the background, the freedom community also developed greater amrmour than ever before.

Thank you to everyone around the world for supporting the WWR4F in your local cities... we still have a very long way to go and we will wear THEM down as love always overcomes evil.