Just Be~Spiritual BOOM: Guest Steven Mathewson: NASA, Flat Earth, Orthodox Christian, Sudden Deaths
Just Be~Spiritual BOOM: Guest Steven Mathewson: NASA, Flat Earth, Orthodox Christian, Sudden Deaths

Always a creative and loving rebel, Steven Mathewson (his radio personality aka Tyrone Semper) shares his views on the world as he noticed things being "off" starting in his teen years where he describes trying to legally get off from a car accident, then joining a constitutional group in 2000 in his late 20s and now seeing so many people becoming more awake and not feeling so alone anymore (he is now in his early 50s).

We get heavy into NASA, Flat Earth theory, his love of being an Orthodox Christian, death/destruction, down to his own amazing planet discovery (the video portion of this interview shows the actual picture he took which is wild).

Overall, man/woman/land, love is the answer, all you have is today and bloom where you are planted,