"The New Media Standard & Disputing the Biden Boom" ft Dr. Robin McCutcheon  2/15/23
"The New Media Standard & Disputing the Biden Boom" ft Dr. Robin McCutcheon 2/15/23

Tonight's show will feature Dr. Robin McCutcheon, Professor of Economics at Marshall University.

I wanted our friend, Robin, to talk a little bit about the reality of the so-called "Biden Boom", which went through a major media branding campaign in the lead-up to the State of the Union with the reports of a shocking 500,000+ jobs added in January 2023.

We'll see just how much of this is to be believed (not much).

I would also like to use the example of how New Media rose up against the old to speculate as to how parallel economies could do the same with the specter of privacy-killing digital currencies on the horizon.