Jan 6 / Release the J6 Shaman Jacob Chansley (aka Angelli) now Exculpatory evidence withheld
Jan 6 / Release the J6 Shaman Jacob Chansley (aka Angelli) now Exculpatory evidence withheld

I refuse to post links to Fox News, but thank you to Tucker Carlson.

Every judge who passed down sentence or allowed a plea deal for any Jan 6 defendant has to be fuming right now that this evidence was not only illegally held from the defendants, but that it was withheld from them.

The lawyers involved and the U.S. attorney for DC Matthew Graves should be disbarred now that this is out.

There’s a lot more to come including Nancy Pelosi’s capitol police on the other side of the capitol beating people mercilessly for her daughter’s cameras.

This, the 2020 election, and covid, were all a communist controlled PSYOP by foreign and domestic globalists