Rick Garzaniti is a military veteran of the Vietnam War and is the man who got American serial killer Ted Bundy arrested after Bundy stole his automobile and Garzaniti reported the vehicle missing.
Garzaniti is also the author of the book "Journey to the Center of My Heart: One Man's Path to Inner Peace," which was written under his nom de plume, Rikiji.
Garziniti's description of the book is as follows: "Everything in this story actually happened.
No exaggerations or embellishments were added.
Part I begins with Rikiji (nom de plume for Ricky “Rick” Garzaniti) volunteering to be reassigned to Vietnam!
While stationed at the 366 USAF Dispensary at the DaNang Air Base as an Air Force medic, he received a message from an inner voice which, literally, turned out to be one of the Secrets of Life, a message that continues to positively influence his perception of life more than 49 years later.