Washington Is the Latest State to Ban Assault Rifles
Washington Is the Latest State to Ban Assault Rifles

Washington Is the Latest State , to Ban Assault Rifles.

'The Hill' reports that Gov.

Jay Inslee signed three gun safety bills into law on April 25.

60 types of assault weapons can no longer be sold in the state.


No one needs an AR-15 to protect their family.

You only need it to kill other families.

And for that reason, we are taking action today, Gov.

Jay Inslee, via statement.

Additionally, a 10-day waiting period and safety training are now required to buy any gun.


I do want to note that while we celebrate [these bills], they are not the only things we need against gun violence, Gov.

Jay Inslee, via statement.

They are not a total panacea.

But just because they don’t solve all the problems does not mean that the state of Washington does not take action, Gov.

Jay Inslee, via statement.

9 other states and Washington, D.C., have also implemented assault weapons bans.


Those states include California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York.

The White House issued a statement on April 25 applauding Washington's action to reduce gun violence.


In so doing, they have made every community in the state — from Seattle to Spokane and everywhere in between — safer and more secure, White House, via statement