Twice Upon A Time In The West Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: When Mila takes a job as a housekeeper for the local eccentric, she soon discovers that she is working for none other than Claudia Cardinale.
As the two women embark on a friendship, they find the strength to face the demons, both past, and present.
Add to the mix a lovesick cowboy vying for the young woman’s lonely heart and a local mystic eager to lead them out of the desert, and you’ve got a romantic comedy thriller that’s a homage to cinema.
Director : Boris Despodov Producer: Boris Despodov Writers : Boris Despodov, Andrey M.
Paounov Cast: Claudia Cardinale, Diana Paskalieva, Alex Brendemühl, Francesc Garrido, Jose Novo, Laurence Burton