The Satanic Panic 2.0 - And Ancient Grimoires of Unspeakable Evil
The Satanic Panic 2.0 - And Ancient Grimoires of Unspeakable Evil

The Satanic Panic refers to a period in the United States during the 1980s and early 1990s when there was widespread fear and moral panic surrounding allegations of satanic ritual abuse and cults.

It was characterized by a belief that there was a vast underground network of Satanists engaged in heinous activities, such as child abuse, human sacrifice, and the worship of the devil.

The Satanic Panic gained momentum through the media, with sensationalistic and often unfounded reports of satanic cult activities appearing in newspapers, magazines, and television programs. Books and talk shows discussing the supposed dangers of satanic cults further fueled the hysteria.

Has this crisis finally abated?