Harry Decker: Climate realism from a longtime Arizona resident | Tom Nelson Pod #103
Harry Decker: Climate realism from a longtime Arizona resident | Tom Nelson Pod #103

After graduating from high school, HARRY DECKER spent ten years in the U.S. Air Force working with computers in military intelligence.

He has lived in ten different states and took college classes in five of them.

He never completed a college degree, however, due to changing his mind about his career.

He has attended various technical schools over the years to keep up with the changing industry.

In civilian life, he worked as a computer operator, programmer, technical writer, and tech support specialist for various companies such as Maricopa County, St.

Joseph’s Medical Center, Information Network Corporation, and Charles Schwab International.

His hobby at one time was tournament chess, but he dropped that and took up creative writing and filmmaking.

He had a short story published five years ago titled “A.


Gone Amok,” a fictional tale about the dangers of artificial intelligence and that the deep state was planning on releasing a virus that would kill millions.

Now retired, he writes and directs plays.

And he’s working on a short film.

He has also written numerous technical reports over the past three years that challenge climate alarmist claims and the green agenda.