Hitman 3 debuted Jan.
20, 2021, on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, PC, and Google Stadia.
The game concludes IO Interactive's World Assassination Trilogy that began in 2016.
But it will also mark Agent 47's eighth full game in a series that began in 2000 with Hitman: Codename 47 and includes spinoff titles like Hitman Go and Hitman: Sniper.
The games have evolved considerably over the past 21 years.
And Agent 47, their bald, barcoded protagonist, has been through a lot.
Like other titles in the series, Hitman 3 will focus on stealth-oriented exploration of sandbox-style level, giving the player an almost unlimited number of ways to sneakily bump off their targets.
But Hitman 3 will also delve into the clone assassin's origins, in ways that connect with the very first game in the series.
Casual Hitman 3 players and even series veterans might not know everything about Agent 47's backstory, so here is the entire Hitman timeline explained.