New Data Shows Alarming Decline in ‘Basic Skills’ of US Students
New Data Shows Alarming Decline in ‘Basic Skills’ of US Students

New Data Shows , Alarming Decline in , 'Basic Skills' of US Students.

According to new data, math and reading skills among students in the United States have reached their lowest level in decades.


Fox News reports that the last time math scores among 13-year-olds were this low was in 1990.

The last time reading scores were this low was in 2004.

Scores from the National Center for Education Statistics show no sign of post-pandemic recovery, continuing a downward trend worsened by COVID in 2020.


We continue to see worrisome signs about student achievement and well-being more than two years after most students returned for in-person learning, Peggy G.

Carr, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Commissioner, via Fox News.

'The New York Times' reports that the test students did poorly on measures "basic skills.".

The mathematics decline for 13-year-olds was the single largest decline we have observed in the past half a century, Peggy G.

Carr, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Commissioner, via Fox News.

Fox News reports that decline was seen in both boys and girls among all racial demographics, though some experienced steeper declines than others.


NCES acting Associate Commissioner Dan McGrath says declines can be traced back to 2012 but were exacerbated by dramatic changes brought on by the COVID pandemic.

NCES acting Associate Commissioner Dan McGrath says declines can be traced back to 2012 but were exacerbated by dramatic changes brought on by the COVID pandemic.

We are observing steep drops in achievement, troubling shifts in reading habits and other factors that affect achievement and rising mental health challenges, Peggy G.

Carr, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Commissioner, via Fox News.

We are observing steep drops in achievement, troubling shifts in reading habits and other factors that affect achievement and rising mental health challenges, Peggy G.

Carr, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Commissioner, via Fox News