The main stream media all of them all of those government agencies many of them not all of them many of them committed high treason overthrowing a sitting president of the United States election fraud and deceit ballot harvesting ballot stuffing counting over the Internet there’s so many different ways they done it and be like trying to count the amount of sand on the beach there just I’m in Dave and thought about what maybe we might have too many votes so they have to stop the voting to figure it out that’s right folks we have high treasonous traders in this country and to me that’s high treason they should all be executed real quick trial; military trial because they did it when we were under martial law you didn’t know that did you OK folks it’s time to start weaving Hembrough come on Guantánamo Bay it’s about time we start utilizing those cemetery plot you got out there!
Cremation would be the key that be the best way unmarked graves as well after all we are civil!